How to Fix the "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''" in Django (With Code Examples)

How to Fix the "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''" in Django (With Code Examples)
20 September, 2024

If you're working with Django and encounter the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '', it can be a bit frustrating, especially if you're unsure of its cause. In Python, this error indicates that the module you're trying to import cannot be found. It can happen for several reasons, such as a typo in the module name, the module not being installed, or even a virtual environment issue.

In this blog post, we'll explore the most common causes of this error, particularly in Django, and how to resolve them using code examples.

  1. What Does the ModuleNotFoundError Mean?
  2. Common Causes and Fixes for ModuleNotFoundError in Django
  3. 1. Incorrect Module Name
  4. 2. Module Not Installed
  5. 3. Missing File in Django Apps
  6. 4. Virtual Environment Misconfiguration
  7. 5. Incorrect Python Path
  8. 6. App Not Listed in INSTALLED_APPS
  9. Additional Tips to Avoid ModuleNotFoundError
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  11. 1. What is the cause of ModuleNotFoundError in Django?
  12. 2. How do I fix ModuleNotFoundError for Django apps?
  13. 3. Why do I get ModuleNotFoundError after installing a package?
  14. 4. How do I check if a module is installed?
  15. 5. How do I avoid Python path issues in Django?
  16. 6. Can I use relative imports in Django projects?
  17. Conclusion

What Does the ModuleNotFoundError Mean?

Before diving into the solutions, let's clarify what this error message signifies. The ModuleNotFoundError in Python typically looks something like this:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'module_name'

In Django, this usually appears when the system cannot locate an external package, a custom Django app, or an internal Python module that you're trying to import in your code.

This error means that Python is attempting to load a module (which can be a library, a package, or a Python file) and is unable to find it. The error occurs during the import process and needs to be resolved for the code to run correctly.

Common Causes and Fixes for ModuleNotFoundError in Django

1. Incorrect Module Name

A typo in the import statement is one of the simplest yet most common reasons for this error. If the module name is mistyped or does not match the actual module’s name, Python won’t be able to find it.


Let's say you want to import django.urls in your file:

from django.urls import path

But you accidentally write:

from djnago.urls import path

This will trigger the error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'djnago'


Double-check the spelling in your import statement. Make sure the module name matches the correct one exactly:

from django.urls import path  # Correct import statement

2. Module Not Installed

Another common reason for the error is that the module you’re trying to import is not installed in your environment.


If you're trying to import Django but encounter the following error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django'


You can easily check if Django (or any other module) is installed in your environment by running the following command:

pip show django

If it’s not installed, install it using:

pip install django

This will download and install the latest version of Django. After installation, try running your Django project again, and the error should be resolved.

3. Missing File in Django Apps

In Django, your apps (which are basically Python packages) need to have an file for Python to recognize them as part of your project. Without this file, Python cannot treat the directory as a module, and you'll get the ModuleNotFoundError.


Consider the following project structure:


If you try to import myapp.views like this in

from myapp.views import my_view

But there's no file inside the myapp/ directory, Python will not recognize myapp as a module, and you'll get this error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'myapp'


Ensure that your app directory (myapp/) contains an file. Even if the file is empty, its presence tells Python to treat this directory as a module.

touch myapp/

After adding this file, Python will be able to recognize the app, and you should be able to import it without issues.

4. Virtual Environment Misconfiguration

Django projects commonly use virtual environments to manage dependencies. If you’re running your project outside the correct virtual environment, you may encounter the ModuleNotFoundError.


Suppose you installed Django in a virtual environment, but you're trying to run your project without activating it. The system won't be able to find Django, and you'll see this error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django'


Make sure that your virtual environment is activated. You can activate your virtual environment as follows:

  • For Linux or macOS:

    bash source venv/bin/activate

  • For Windows:

    bash .\venv\Scripts\activate

After activating the virtual environment, try running your Django project again.

5. Incorrect Python Path

In some cases, the error might be related to the system's Python path. If your project or a module is not included in the Python path, Python won’t be able to locate it, resulting in the ModuleNotFoundError.


You might have a project structure where myapp is located in a subdirectory. If you try to import it without properly configuring your project settings or Python path, you’ll encounter this error.


To ensure that your Django project and its apps are properly included in the Python path:

  1. Add the App to INSTALLED_APPS in

    Make sure your Django app is listed in the INSTALLED_APPS section of your file.

    python INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'myapp', # Add your app here # Other installed apps... ]

  2. Check sys.path:

    If you’re working with a custom directory structure, you might need to manually add your project’s path to the Python path in or

    ```python import sys import os

    sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file))) ```

    This ensures that Python can locate the necessary modules.

Additional Tips to Avoid ModuleNotFoundError

  • Use Virtual Environments: Always use a virtual environment for your Django projects to avoid conflicts between different packages.

  • Keep Dependencies in Sync: Ensure all required dependencies are installed by using requirements.txt. You can generate one by running:

    bash pip freeze > requirements.txt

    Then, use pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies when setting up the project in a new environment.

  • Check Python and Django Compatibility: Ensure that the version of Django you're using is compatible with your Python version. Incompatible versions may cause certain packages to fail to install correctly.

6. App Not Listed in INSTALLED_APPS

One common reason for encountering the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '' in Django is that the app you’re trying to import isn't listed in the INSTALLED_APPS setting of your Django project. If a Django app isn’t registered in INSTALLED_APPS, Django will not recognize it as part of your project, and you may encounter errors when trying to import models, views, or any other components from the app.


Suppose you have an app named blog that you’re trying to use in your project. If you forget to add it to INSTALLED_APPS, you might see this error when trying to import something from it:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'blog'


You need to add your app to the INSTALLED_APPS section of your Django project’s file:

    # Other apps
    'blog',  # Add your app here

Once the app is listed in INSTALLED_APPS, Django will recognize it, and the error should be resolved.

Why Might an App Not Be Listed in INSTALLED_APPS?

Here are some common reasons why an app might not be listed in INSTALLED_APPS:

  1. New App Creation: If you’ve recently created a new app using python startapp app_name and forgot to add it to the INSTALLED_APPS list.

  2. Cloning a Repository: When you clone a Django project from a repository, certain apps might be missing from INSTALLED_APPS because the person who set up the project forgot to include them.

  3. Third-Party App Usage: If you’ve installed a third-party Django app, like django-rest-framework or django-allauth, but forgot to add it to INSTALLED_APPS.

  4. Accidental Deletion: Sometimes, during refactoring or merging branches, an app’s entry might accidentally get removed from INSTALLED_APPS.

By ensuring that all your Django apps are properly listed in INSTALLED_APPS, you can avoid this common ModuleNotFoundError and ensure that your project components are correctly recognized.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the cause of ModuleNotFoundError in Django?

The error occurs when Python cannot find the module you're trying to import. It could be due to a missing module, a typo in the import statement, an uninstalled package, or incorrect configuration of the Python path.

2. How do I fix ModuleNotFoundError for Django apps?

Ensure your Django app has an file in the app directory, and make sure the app is added to the INSTALLED_APPS section of

3. Why do I get ModuleNotFoundError after installing a package?

This may happen if you installed the package in the wrong environment. Make sure you’ve activated the correct virtual environment before installing the package.

4. How do I check if a module is installed?

You can use the following command to check if a module is installed:

pip show module_name

Replace module_name with the actual name of the module.

5. How do I avoid Python path issues in Django?

Ensure that your project directory is properly configured in your sys.path or use absolute imports in your project.

6. Can I use relative imports in Django projects?

Yes, but it’s generally recommended to use absolute imports to avoid confusion and import errors.


The ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '' is a common error in Django, but it's usually easy to fix by following the steps outlined above. Whether it's installing missing modules, fixing typos in import statements, or properly configuring your virtual environment, addressing these common causes will help ensure smooth execution of your Django project.


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