Salesforce integration with Django web portal

Salesforce integration with Django web portal

Introduction to Our Company`s Capabilities

Our company specializes in the development and support of custom web portals that seamlessly integrate with Salesforce. These portals offer various access levels tailored to different stakeholder groups, ensuring efficient data management and workflow automation. We utilize the latest Salesforce API alongside Celery and Redis to ensure continuous data synchronization between our portal and Salesforce, including critical information such as accounts, statuses, opportunities, service prices, and metadata.

Innovative Solutions for Complex Business Challenges

Streamlining Business Processes

Developing a sophisticated integrated system presents numerous challenging business problems. Here, we describe some cases encountered during the development of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) project to illustrate our innovative solutions and expertise.

Key Terms and Definitions

To provide a clearer understanding, here are some key terms and definitions:

  • Salesforce: One of the most popular customer relationship management (CRM) platforms.
  • Web Portal: A custom client website developed using Python and Django, which allows the client to sell and provide services to their customers via a Software as a Service (SaaS) model.
  • Operationists: Users with access to Salesforce who manage income, spending, and prices, and monitor sales team performance.
  • Sales Team: Users with access to Salesforce CRM who manage accounts in various stages (prospect, cold, hot) and close deals.
  • Support Team: Users who have access only to the portal and can view client information without access to pricing and spending details.

Case Study 1: Streamlining Support Team Processes

Challenge: Inefficient Support Workflow

The support team faced significant inefficiencies due to their lack of direct access to Salesforce, leading to a convoluted process involving multiple steps and personnel. This inefficiency often resulted in delays and increased the likelihood of errors, negatively impacting the customer experience.

Previous Process: 1. Customer Inquiry: The support manager receives a customer inquiry about a service on our portal. 2. Internal Communication: The support manager, lacking Salesforce access, forwards the inquiry to the sales team. 3. Salesforce Update: The sales manager updates Salesforce and relays the information back to the support manager. 4. System Changes: The support manager contacts the system administrator to implement changes on the server. 5. Customer Notification: The support manager informs the customer that the task is completed.

This process involved multiple steps and personnel, leading to delays and increased risk of errors, negatively impacting the customer experience.

Improved Process: 1. Direct Access: The support manager receives a customer inquiry and updates the client's account directly through the portal. 2. Automatic Synchronization: Changes made in the portal are automatically synchronized with Salesforce, updating the backend and configuring the server as needed. 3. Automated Notifications: The customer receives an automated notification about the availability of the new service.


This automation has significantly reduced the number of steps and personnel involved, enhancing efficiency and minimizing errors. The streamlined process ensures faster response times and a better overall customer experience.

Case Study 2: Managing Tenant Accounts

Introduction to Tenant Management

Tenants are unique users who manage their own clients through our portal. They have the capability to add accounts, set service prices, and manage all their activities in one centralized platform. However, they do not have access to Salesforce and cannot view the activities of other tenants. Sales managers, on the other hand, can monitor all tenant activities, opportunities, contacts, and prices.

Challenges in Tenant Management

Before our system implementation, managing tenant accounts posed several challenges: 1. Data Inconsistency: Without direct access to Salesforce, tenants struggled with keeping their data consistent and updated across different platforms. 2. Manual Processes: Tenants had to rely on manual processes to update their accounts and service prices, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors. 3. Limited Visibility: Tenants lacked real-time visibility into their account status and opportunities, which hindered their ability to make informed decisions. 4. Fragmented Communication: Communication between tenants and the sales team was often fragmented, leading to delays in addressing issues and opportunities.

Our Role in Tenant Management

We played a crucial role in addressing these challenges by ensuring data synchronization between the portal and Salesforce. Our solution included several key components:

Automated Data Synchronization We implemented a robust system to automatically synchronize data between the portal and Salesforce. This ensured that all information, including tenant accounts, service prices, opportunities, and client details, was always up-to-date and consistent across both platforms.

Enhanced User Interface We developed an intuitive user interface for tenants, allowing them to easily manage their accounts, set service prices, and track their activities. The interface was designed to be user-friendly, reducing the need for extensive training and support.

Real-Time Visibility Our system provided real-time visibility into tenant activities for sales managers. This included tracking opportunities, monitoring account status, and viewing client interactions. Sales managers could quickly identify and address any issues, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

Streamlined Communication We established a seamless communication channel between tenants and the sales team. This facilitated quicker response times, better issue resolution, and more effective collaboration. Tenants could easily report issues or request assistance, and the sales team could provide timely support.

Automated Service Provisioning One of the significant improvements was the automation of service provisioning. When a tenant closed an opportunity, the information was automatically sent to the Data Center. The service was then provided to the final client without direct involvement from the sales team, streamlining the entire process.

Benefits of Our System

  • Efficient Data Management: By synchronizing all data between the portal and Salesforce, we ensured that information was accurate and up-to-date across all platforms.
  • Automated Service Provisioning: Closed opportunities triggered automatic service provisioning, reducing the need for manual intervention and streamlining the workflow.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Sales managers could track tenant activities in real-time, allowing for better oversight and strategic decision-making.
  • Improved Efficiency: The intuitive user interface and automated processes significantly reduced the time and effort required for tenants to manage their accounts and services.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: The streamlined workflow and real-time visibility resulted in quicker issue resolution and improved customer satisfaction for tenants and their clients.


Our expertise in developing and supporting Salesforce-integrated portals has enabled us to solve complex business challenges and streamline processes for our clients. By leveraging the latest technologies and innovative solutions, we provide efficient, automated workflows that enhance performance and improve customer satisfaction.

For more information about our services and how we can help your business achieve its goals, please contact us.

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