Battle of the Content Management Systems: Django CMS and WordPress

Battle of the Content Management Systems: Django CMS and WordPress

For businesses and individuals looking to develop a website, choosing the right content management system can be a tough decision. The debate between Django and WordPress has been a popular one for some time now, as both systems offer distinct advantages and unique features. It can be challenging to determine which CMS will best suit your needs and goals.

In this article, we will delve into the differences and similarities between Django CMS and WordPress. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision on which CMS to choose. Through a comparison of their features and functionality, we hope to help you make the right choice for your website development needs. So, let's begin!

All about Django CMS

First, let's emphasize that here we are talking about Django CMS, not the Django framework. What is the difference?

Essentially, the Django framework is software for creating server-side web applications in Python that makes it faster and more efficient. It provides a set of tools and functionality that address many common web development issues: security, database access, sessions, template handling, URL routing, internationalization, localization, and more.

Already based on it, Django CMS is an open-source content management system written in Python. It's entirely customizable, so we can leverage it for whatever our clients need.

It can boast a user-friendly content editor with a drag-and-drop interface similar to WordPress, allowing for easy website creation. It's entirely customizable, so it can leverage for whatever our clients need. Also, third-party plugins are unnecessary: Django CMS has built-in support for multilingual functionality. The system's reliance on fewer third-party plugins further enhances its security.

In addition, Django's lightweight core makes integration with other tools a breeze, and it supports the PostgreSQL database engine, unlike WordPress. Due to its lower popularity compared to WordPress, some developers consider Django CMS more secure, as it is less likely to be targeted by hackers.

Sure, here's a summary of Django CMS's features:

  • It has built-in support for multilingual functionality, making it easy to create websites in multiple languages.
  • Django CMS is a free and open-source content management system written in Python.
  • The system has strong security features, including two-factor authentication and password verification.
  • Its lightweight core allows for easy integration with third-party tools.
  • The content editor is intuitive and has a drag-and-drop interface for easy website creation.
  • Django CMS supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.

All about WordPress

If you're looking for a content management system to power your website, there's one more option that we discuss today: WordPress. In fact, it's the most popular CMS in the world, trusted by millions of website owners and powering 34% of all websites on the internet.

Its prevalence can be attributed to its vast plugin database, which offers plugins for almost any purpose, as well as its impressive selection of high-quality themes and templates for web development.

One of the advantages of WordPress is its user-friendly admin panel, which features a drag-and-drop interface that allows for easy customization of your site. Additionally, WordPress can be scaled infinitely, making it a good choice for sites that are expected to grow over time.

Another key feature of WordPress is its Multisite functionality, which enables users to create and manage multiple sites using a single WordPress installation. This feature can save users significant time and effort when managing multiple sites.

WordPress also comes equipped with built-in SEO capabilities, such as the automatic generation of title tags and meta descriptions, making it an SEO-friendly platform right out of the box. Furthermore, its massive community and integration with third-party tools make it a versatile platform that can be customized to fit any business's unique needs.

To summarize, we highlight the following WordPress features:

  • WordPress supports MySQL and MariaDB databases.
  • Has a large WordPress plugin and theme database.
  • This is a fairly popular open-source content management system based on PHP.
  • WordPress offers built-in SEO tools.
  • WordPress is a highly customizable and user-friendly platform.

Evaluating the Best CMS for Your Needs: Key Factors of Comparing Django and WordPress

1. Security of your site

When deliberating on the optimal Content Management System (CMS) for your website, one fundamental aspect that should be given serious consideration is security.

Django CMS is anchored on the Django framework, a technology renowned for its exceptional security. The platform comes bundled with an array of built-in security features, including two-factor authentication and password validation, that are designed to safeguard your website against any potential threats. Additionally, the system relies less on third-party plugins, which are known to be prone to security vulnerabilities that can compromise the security of your website. As we all know, hackers are constantly looking for loopholes to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, and relying on third-party plugins increases the risk of becoming a victim of their malicious activities.

On the other hand, WordPress, while also having a multitude of security plugins and features, has a higher dependency on third-party plugins than Django CMS. The moderation process that WordPress plugins undergo is not infallible, and there have been instances where malicious code has slipped through. The platform's widespread popularity also makes it a prime target for hackers, who are always looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to private data.

In conclusion, when it comes to security, Django CMS is the better option due to its exceptional security features and reduced reliance on third-party plugins. By choosing Django CMS, you can rest assured that your website is well-protected and less vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, if you value the security of your website above all else, Django CMS is the CMS of choice.

2. Impact of User Community on Documentation

When it comes to comparing the documentation and user community of WordPress and Django CMS, it's difficult to declare a clear winner. Both systems offer comprehensive documentation that enables users to install and use the platform with relative ease. However, the real challenge arises when users encounter issues that are not covered in the documentation. At this point, seeking assistance from the user community becomes necessary.

In this aspect, both CMSs have active and supportive user communities that are always ready to lend a hand. WordPress, being the more widely used platform, has a larger user base, which translates into a larger pool of resources for users to draw from. However, Django CMS also boasts an engaged user community that is passionate about the platform and always willing to help fellow users.

3. Relating to learning

When choosing a CMS, it is crucial to consider the differences in the learning curves of WordPress and Django. These two platforms offer distinct advantages and disadvantages depending on the user's skill set and requirements.

WordPress is renowned for its accessibility and user-friendliness, particularly for those with limited coding experience. Its plugin system enables users to add new features to their websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. However, it is worth noting that some plugins may require technical expertise for customization, and maintenance and support for a WordPress site necessitate programming knowledge.

In contrast, Django CMS is more complex and may require a higher level of technical proficiency. Its drag-and-drop interface is suitable for basic websites, but more advanced functionality requires coding skills in Python. Despite this, Django CMS provides advanced users with greater flexibility and control.

4. Expertise and Cost Comparison

The initial inquiry to make is whether or not you possess a development team, and if so, how proficient are they? Clearly, if your developers are well-versed in constructing Python solutions, then it is advisable to adopt Django CMS. On the other hand, if your team is well-experienced in PHP development, then WordPress should be your go-to.

In the event that you don’t have a team yet, but are planning to employ Django developers or WP specialists, you must weigh the cost factor. Python developers typically command a higher price, with the average annual salary of a Python developer in the US amounting to approximately $120,024, whereas that of a PHP developer is $86,017. Nevertheless, you need not restrict your search to the US. You can save thousands of dollars by outsourcing your project to a country with lower development costs. More information on hiring developers for startups is available in our article.


We trust that this article has provided a resolution to the perplexing matter of Django vs WordPress. As gleaned from the discourse, neither content management system is unequivocally superior nor inferior. Rather, both solutions are equally acceptable provided they fulfil your corporate goals and demands. Hence, review the insights above and make an informed decision on the CMS that best aligns with your organization's requirements.

Should you need further details or aid, do not hesitate to contact our establishment. We can assist you in selecting the ideal CMS for your exigencies. Additionally, we can develop a bespoke solution tailored to your specific needs.


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