Why to Use Django for Your Startup: Complete List of Advantages

Why to Use Django for Your Startup: Complete List of Advantages
22 February, 2023

When you think of a tech startup, you probably picture a group of people working in a garage on their product. You might be surprised to learn that many of these companies are not have built-in garages at all. They're built with the help of Django, one of the most popular web frameworks in use today.

Django: A Real-Life Example

Let's try to reproduce it in practice.

So you moved to a small town and found out they don't have food delivery, even though it would be in high demand. But this idea came to mind not only you. Therefore, you are interested in the speed of its implementation.

BAM! Django's speed comes in handy (thanks to the large community as well). The implementation of your delivery application takes place in a shorter time than that of your competitor.

This gives you an advantage, but not for long: there are already two delivery services in your town.

But what makes your Django application different? It adds new customers without difficulty, while the competitor's app slows down, which customers do not like.

And lastly, you will find out that a cosmic amount was spent on the application, and yours paid off in the first months. And so your competitor disappears from the market, and you and Django are on top of the mountain.

Why Is This Important?

Startups are popping up all over the world every day, if not every hour. But most of them fade away, never becoming popular even among narrow circles of the population. Therefore, the idea to create your product, although it can be tempting, is often difficult, with a lot of problems and errors.

If you are still thinking about how to implement your idea, here is a prediction: 24 hours is not enough. And everyone who has already started a startup will confirm this. Your head will be constantly busy with a growing list of cases and decisions on which the future of your business depends.

To give your idea a chance to survive in the world of competition and struggle, you need to have a reliable foundation. For technology startups, such a basis is the choice of a web framework.

How to Make the Right Choice?

What does any startup need? Security, reliability, speed and all this is not for all the money in the world. That would be right for you, wouldn't it?

What if the decision is already in front of you?

Django is, without exaggeration, one of the most popular and effective frameworks based on the Python programming language. This takes the hassle out of web development for an existing one, allowing you to focus on the most important elements of your application. Django is fast, secure, open and free, and extremely scalable to grow your business.

Let's understand in more detail.

Quick Access to the Market.

This a scenario you might have seen more than once if you've encountered the startup world. There is an idea that would perfectly fly right here and today. You are looking for ways to implement it, but each of them is too long (and here we can even talk about hours and days). The idea loses relevance and burns like a match. Not enough speed.

But Django is not familiar with this problem. Speed is what startups have loved for it for a long time.

Its speed refers to two points: the speed of learning and the speed of writing. Python is an easy language to learn, so you have a wider choice of specialists to work with for the best result like VinDevs. In addition, if you have a tight deadline for creating an application, Django will do it well in a very limited time.

Full Equipment.

We already mentioned that Django is a framework, but what is it? Essentially, we have a set of tools that enable the process of functioning of the main components needed by technology startups.

The developers of Django really tried to make it as useful as possible. Therefore, the "batteries in the kit" approach are used here - everything necessary for development is already included in the kit and you do not need additional frameworks.

As your business grows, you'll also use it to improve your user experience.

Increasing Scale.

It is extremely important for a startup to be able to adapt to changes. And if it is a change in the number the audience?

Being ready for the high load without losing speed is also one of the priorities since the transition to a qualitatively new level of scale can cost more than the entire startup before.

Django is the undisputed leader in this. From small projects to market leaders like Instagram and Spotify, which continue to grow steadily, they all benefit from Django's almost endless possibilities. Therefore, the correct settings of Django will help you!

Availability of Django.

If you have an idea and don't have a lot of start-up capital, you'll be worried about whether it's right for you. After all, judging by the advantages, it can be expensive.

But don't worry: Django is open-source. What does it mean? That the use of this framework does not require the purchase of any licenses.

Instead of Summaries

Today, we tried to focus not only on the theory of whether Django is suitable for startups but on the real benefits of using it. You can always rely on Django's strengths for your ideas, giving yourself time for other questions and concerns.


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